Stories of the night sky

I find the study of the heavens to be, well, heavenly. There is nothing so fascinating as the whole universe. There's the beauty of looking up at the night sky and seeing a whole host of stars and constellations. Then there's the mythology and the intrigue of knowing that our ancestors encoded vast sets of knowledge into stories that are embedded in the very patterns we see above our heads each clear night. The feeling of wonder and amazement can't be rivaled.


A great piece of software to view the night sky when you can't make it outside is Stellarium. It's a free open source program which can help guide you in the knowledge of which stars are which. And which aren't stars at all, but planets. Stellarium can help you identify the constellations and even find deep sky objects. It's available across all platforms from Windows and Mac OS to Linux and even Android and iOS.
Here are a few screenshots of this amazing software in action.
